Q. If I complete the ITTC program and get ICF accreditation, am I legally qualified to act as a coach in the USA?

A. Currently, there are no regulatory requirements for coaching certification or accreditation in the United States. You may work as a coach in the US without certification or accreditation.

Q. Would I be able to coach under a LLC?

A. Yes, in the US you may conduct your business under any designation, a sole proprietor, LLC, or other corporation designation. You will want to get professional business advice as to the best business legal designation to meet your liability and tax needs.

Q. Will I be able to work as a coach and/or run retreats in other countries?

A. You will be qualified to work as a coach internationally. Be sure to check any requirements with the country you want to work in as to the legal requirements for doing business in their country. Knowing which countries the US does not allow you to conduct business in is vital. Cuba, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Libya, Sudan, and Somalia are currently the countries Americans cannot do business in. This list can change at any time, please check www.state.gov for a current list and for information about doing business in foreign countries.

Q. Do I have to call myself a “coach” if the legality of my work is based on an ICF credential? For example, I may prefer advisor, consultant, or teacher?

A. You may work in other helping professions, however, when you switch from coaching to another helping profession, you must make a statement such as, “This is not coaching, this is _________”. The details of how to potentially blend coaching with other professions and what coaches do and do not do, as well as the role of expert knowledge in coaching will be taught in your ITTC program in detail.

Q. If I am a “coach”, will I be able to continue to teach, channel, heal, lead ceremonies, etc.

A. You may continue to do other work, but you must not call it coaching. You may coach and continue to offer other services if your other work is clearly differentiated from coaching. This will be discussed in detail in your coaching program.

Q. Am I correct in that: once I enroll, I can choose how fast I want to complete the program? For example, I start in January, am active in the course work for 5 months, then take two months off, then return for another 4 months, then take a month off, etc.

A. You will have 18 months to complete the program for your enrollment price. You have 18 months to complete the program from the date of enrollment. If you need more than 18 months to graduate, you may certainly take longer and pay an additional $97 a month until you graduate. So yes, you many do as you asked, take a few months of classes, take off, come back, and start where you left off. We cannot guarantee you can graduate in 18 months when taking time off, but we can guarantee your spot in the program, if your fee is paid in full in accordance with the payment policy listed on our website. When the calendar is uploaded it will show the schedule for 18 months so you can create your individual learning schedule to fit your needs.

Q. What is the salary range of someone with the ITTC/ICF Certification?

A. Here is ICF’s recent survey of earnings from July 19, 2020
0 – 1 year experience: $128/hour.
1 – 2 years experience: $152/hour.
3 – 4 years experience: $194/hour.
5 – 10 years experience: $256/hour.
10+ years experience: $321/hour.

This completely depends on your demographic, location if working locally, your individual marketing efforts, etc. The average coach can make $48 to $65K a year with no real marketing other than a newsletter, relationship building, and word of mouth referrals from clients. Adding membership sites, or online programs, etc., will increase your income. Many coaches make six figures when they include online offerings. You can mix your client base and usually will need to do so.

Q. If I am already working with clients, why would I want the ATC?

A. The ATC comes with the program. Technically, in the US, you do not need certification at all, but when you do, you make more money as a rule. For someone with no previous coaching education or experience, we strongly encourage you to wait to formally charge for coaching services until you meet the requirements for the ATC as listed in this syllabus. However, there is nothing legally at the time of this writing to prevent you from doing so. The ATC allows you to have a beginning certification to ensure a higher quality of coaching while you complete the rest of your educational process and reach final certification.

You may apply for the ATC when you have completed module four and met all other requirements listed in the syllabus. You will receive 3 certifications from one 200-hour program. The final two certifications are received after all nine modules and graduation requirements are met.

Q. If I decided to do that, or for any other certification requirement, how can I convert some of the client hours I have put in during the last years towards ICF accreditation?

A. ICF begins counting your coaching hours following the start date of your coaching education. You cannot receive an ICF accreditation without coaching education. There is no requirement for previous coaching hours prior to beginning your education at ITTC. At ITTC you are required to do a practicum, 30 hours of peer coaching with another ITTC student and 26 hours live.

Q. Can I become ICF accredited if I take the ITTC Certified Transformational and Transpersonal Coach Training Program?

While ITTC is in the process of becoming an ICF Accredited program, you can still apply for ICF accreditation after attending ITTC’s classes through their PORTFOLIO PROGRAM after you have acquired the required amount of coaching session hours as all our courses are based on ICF competencies and requirements. Even after we do attain accreditation, you must still follow all of ICF’s accreditation procedures.

ITTC is in the process of becoming an ICF-accredited coach training program.